A Decent Woman

A Decent Woman

Runtime1h 41min
DirectorLukas Valenta Rinner
Rating94% ()


Iride Mockert
Mariano Sayavedra
Pablo Seijo
Martín Shanly
Andrea Strenitz


Bety, the maid and protagonist at the center of A Decent Woman, is a complex character. She works as a maid at a gated community, but secretly longs for a better life.

What makes Bety so special?

Is it her ambition, her determination to find a better life? Or is it her kindness, her willingness to help those in need despite her own struggles?

Perhaps its a combination of the two. Betys ambition and empathy make her a truly unique character, one that viewers can root for and sympathize with.

Ultimately, its Betys strength of will and determination to find a better life that make her the compelling protagonist of A Decent Woman.

Luis – Betys employer and the leader of the secret sex club

But what of Luis, Betys employer and the leader of the secret sex club? He is a complex figure. On the one hand, he is a powerful and influential man, one who could easily make Betys life a living hell. On the other hand, he is not without his own vulnerabilities – he is a man who desires, who yearns for something more than mere money and influence can provide. What is it that Luis really wants? What is it that he is looking for in the secret club, and in Bety?

Maria – Betys friend

Maria is Betys friend, and she is there to support her through the tough times. But what kind of friend is she really? Is she a true friend, or is she only there for her own benefit?

She does seem to be a true friend, staying with Bety even when things get tough and offering her support in difficult times. But is she really? Does she have her own agenda and is she just playing along? Could she be manipulating Bety and using her for her own gain?

Its hard to say for sure, but one thing is certain: Maria has been a loyal friend to Bety and has been there for her through thick and thin.

The Residents – Members of the secret sex club

The residents of the secret sex club in A Decent Woman (2016) are a mysterious and intriguing bunch. Who are they? What do they get up to? A lot of questions remain unanswered. But one thing is for sure: the residents of the club are quite daring and unafraid of breaking the boundaries of socially accepted behavior.

What drives them to take such risks? Are they simply seeking a sense of liberation and freedom? Or do they have another purpose in mind?

Its doubtful that well ever know the full story behind the residents of the secret sex club. But one thing is certain: they are the ultimate example of individuals willing to push boundaries in order to satisfy their own desires.


Have you ever wondered about the power dynamics between members of the upper class and those of the lower class? Thats exactly what the 2016 film A Decent Woman examines. The movie follows the story of a wealthy family and a working class woman who becomes their domestic worker.

The audience is shown how the power dynamics between the two classes play out in the house, as well as in society at large. The film highlights the theme of class struggle and the power imbalance between the two sides. How do these dynamics affect the characters, and in what ways does it shape their lives? A Decent Woman provides an interesting perspective on this dynamic and poses important questions about class and power.

It shows how Bety is able to gain control over her own life despite her social status.

A Decent Woman (2016) offers a powerful story of the struggles of the lower class, particularly those of the women. The protagonist, Bety, is surprisingly able to gain control over her own life despite her disadvantaged social status. Through the film, we witness her fight against oppressive cultural norms and beliefs, ultimately finding a way to make her own choices. Its this strength of character that makes Bety such an inspiring figure; even when faced with overwhelming odds, she manages to take control of her own destiny. Though her story is a unique one, it still provides a powerful reminder that even in the most challenging circumstances, its possible to fight for whats right.

The film shows how gender roles play a role in Betys life and how they can be restrictive.

Betys life is highly restricted by gender roles. The film shows us how she is expected to conform to outdated ideas of what a woman should be. From the way she is expected to dress to the way she is expected to act, she is constantly reminded that she does not have the same freedoms as men. The film makes us question why these gender roles exist and if they really are necessary. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of challenging these roles and of fighting for equality.

It also explores the double standards that exist in society when it comes to gender and sex.

A Decent Woman (2016) explores the double standards that exist in society when it comes to gender and sex. What is considered decent behavior for a woman is often not the same as what is considered decent behavior for a man. This double standard is explored in the film in a variety of ways, from the different reactions to the protagonists affair to the difficulties she faces when trying to establish her own identity.

What is the underlying message of the film when it comes to gender and sex? Is it that double standards should be challenged and overturned? Or is it that such double standards are inevitable and must be accepted? A Decent Woman (2016) offers no simple answers, but it does pose a thought-provoking exploration of the issue.

The film examines the power dynamics between Bety and Luis, and how Bety is able to gain the upper hand.

The power dynamics between Bety and Luis are examined in A Decent Woman.

It is clear from the start that Luis has the upper hand, being Betys employer and the owner of the estate. However, as the film progresses, Bety slowly gains control and is able to take advantage of Luis.

What is interesting is how subtle the process is. Bety is able to manipulate her situation and use her own power, rather than relying on Luis power.

In the end, it is Bety who is able to gain the upper hand. How the film examines this process is compelling and powerful, making it essential viewing for anyone interested in power dynamics between men and women.

It also shows how power can be used to manipulate and control others.

Its clear that A Decent Woman (2016) is a powerful story that highlights the issues of gender-based oppression. But it also shows how power can be used to manipulate and control others. The protagonist, a single woman living in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, is constantly trying to navigate the political and social landscape of her neighborhood, which is dominated by a wealthy, male-dominated elite. This elite wields its power to control and manipulate others, using threats, bribes, and even violence. They try to control the protagonists life and her decisions, making it clear that she has no real power in their world. The film does an excellent job of illustrating the oppressive effects of such power dynamics.


I enjoyed A Decent Woman because it was a unique and interesting story

I recommend A Decent Woman for anyone who enjoys a strong female lead and a suspenseful story

I like A Decent Woman movie because it is an interesting and thought-provoking story about a woman's struggle to make a living in a male-dominated world

A Decent Woman is unique due to its setting and story

A Decent Woman is fantastic movie for the reason that it offers a unique perspective on the struggles of a woman living in a traditional society

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