A Ghost Waits

A Ghost Waits

GenresComedy, Horror, Romance
DirectorAdam Stovall
Rating94% ()

Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes


MacLeod Andrews
Natalie Walker
Sydney Vollmer
Amanda Miller


Introducing A Ghost Waits (2020), a horror-comedy hybrid thats equal parts spooky and funny. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a ghost? To haunt a house and its inhabitants? Well, this movie is your chance to find out.

Jack, a ghost, has been hired to haunt a house. Hes been told to scare off any tenants who move in, but when a lovable handyman named Murph moves in, Jack finds himself in a dilemma. Will he do his job and frighten Murph away, or will he break the rules and befriend the gentle handyman? With its unique blend of horror and humor, A Ghost Waits is sure to leave you entertained and wanting more.


A Ghost Waits (2020) is a genre-bending movie that blends elements of horror, comedy, and romance. Its a unique mix that has never been seen before and its sure to entertain moviegoers of all types. But what is it about this movie that makes it so special? Its not just the unique blend of genres that makes it stand out; rather, its the way it successfully tells a story that transcends genres. You cant help but feel connected to the characters and their struggles as they navigate the complexities of life. Whether you love horror, comedy, or romance, A Ghost Waits has something for everyone.

Year of Release

A Ghost Waits (2020) was released in 2020, and its already received a lot of attention. Have you seen it yet?

Its a unique movie - not only because it was released in 2020, but also because of its unique approach to horror. It combines the classic ghost story with psychological suspense, creating a captivating cinematic experience thats sure to leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

But its year of release is also meaningful. 2020 has been a strange and unusual year, so its fitting that a ghost story would grace our screens. Its a reminder that even when the world is turned upside down, the power of storytelling can still provide us with an escape.

Plot Summary

A Ghost Waits is a 2020 dark romantic comedy starring MacLeod Andrews and Alex Roberts. But what is it about? Synopsis-wise, it tells the story of a ghost, Jack (Andrews), who haunts a house. His job? To scare away intruders. His problem? He falls in love with Muriel (Roberts), the tenant who moves in.

Can a ghost and a human ever truly be together? Thats the central question of this quirky and heartfelt indie film. With its mix of comedy, romance and supernatural elements, A Ghost Waits offers something for everyone as it explores the boundaries between the living and the dead.

Main Plot Points

A Ghost Waits is a 2020 dark comedy about a maintenance man tasked with the job of exorcising a haunted house. But when he meets the ghost of the house, a rom-com-style relationship develops between them.

What follows is an exploration of the complexities of relationships, both real and supernatural. They must battle their pasts and all the miscommunications that come with it, while learning to accept and even embrace their differences. As they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, they discover that the greatest ghost of all is not the one that haunts the house, but the one that lives in their hearts.

Character Development

Character development is an important part of any movie, and A Ghost Waits (2020) is no exception. In this film, the characters are surprisingly well-rounded and three-dimensional. We get to know Jack, the ghost, and Ramona, the house-sitter, through their conversations. We learn about their hopes, dreams, and fears. We witness their interactions and watch as they come to understand each other. Its a beautiful story of friendship, love, and growth. And with each conversation and each passing moment, the characters grow and change. Its an incredibly moving experience.


Fear of intimacy is a common issue, and its something thats explored in the movie A Ghost Waits. In the film, we see protagonist Jack struggling with his own intimacy issues, and how they affect his relationships. Jack is ultimately faced with the difficult choice of either confronting his fear or letting it consume him and his relationships. We see Jacks struggle to overcome his fear and find the courage to open up and be vulnerable. Ultimately, this movie is a reminder of how important it is to confront our fears, rather than letting them take control of our lives.

Loss of Control

Loss of control is a major theme in A Ghost Waits. Jack, the main character, is a handyman tasked with the job of restoring an old house. But as he settles into the job, he begins to realize that he doesnt have as much control as he initially thought. He cant control the strange noises coming from the basement or the little things that seem to move or disappear on their own. He cant control the ghost that appears in the house, or the fact that she seems to be stuck in a never-ending cycle of grief and sorrow. Jack is forced to confront the fact that, sometimes, control is an illusion, and we have to accept the things that are out of our hands.


Transformation is a key theme in A Ghost Waits (2020). Through Jack, the main character, we see how transformation can be a slow and sometimes painful process. Jack is a ghost who has lived in the same house for over a hundred years, never changing or aging. But when the new tenant arrives, he begins to feel something he has never felt before – hope. He slowly starts to realize that he can transform, and ultimately, he discovers that he can even become human again. Ultimately, this film tells us that transformation is possible; even when it feels impossible, we can still find our way.

Production and Reception

What can we say about the cast and crew of A Ghost Waits (2020)? Well, for starters, the film stars MacLeod Andrews (The Spectacular Now, The Vast of Night) as a handyman and Jackie Monahan (The Invitation, Obvious Child) as the ghost. The film was written and directed by Adam Stovall, who previously wrote and directed his debut feature, A Glitch in the Matrix. The cinematographer is Michael Ragen, who also worked on films such as The Witch and The Lighthouse. And the score was composed by Mark Orton, who worked on films such as Nebraska and The Good Dinosaur.

This team of talented individuals has come together to create a unique and haunting film experience. It will surely be one to remember.

Critical Reception

Critics have been hailing A Ghost Waits as a truly remarkable horror film. But what have they been saying?

The film has been praised for its clever use of suspense and its creative approach to a classic horror story. Its been described as a unique and unexpected experience, one that will leave you enthralled and thoroughly entertained.

The acting has also been widely acclaimed, with one critic noting that the cast does an excellent job of drawing the audience in and creating an atmosphere of tension and dread.

Overall, A Ghost Waits has been incredibly well-received by critics, who have applauded the film for its impressive cinematography, gripping story, and captivating performances.

Box Office Performance

Have you ever heard of the movie A Ghost Waits (2020)? Its a critically-acclaimed horror comedy from director Adam Stovall. Unfortunately, the film didnt make much of an impact at the box office. But why is this? Is it because the movie was too niche for mainstream audiences or is there something else going on? One thing is for sure: with its unique blend of horror and comedy, A Ghost Waits deserved more attention than it got.


A Ghost Waits (2020) is a charming, offbeat comedy-drama that follows the story of Jack, a handyman tasked with fixing up an abandoned house. But what Jack discovers is that the house is haunted by a mischievous ghost named Muriel who makes Jacks life a living nightmare. As Jack and Muriel grapple with the arrangement, they discover that they have more in common than they initially thought. In the end, the two form an unlikely bond that transcends the boundaries between life and death. So, what is the story of A Ghost Waits? Its a quirky, heartfelt story about friendship, acceptance, and the power of believing in the impossible.

Final Thoughts on the Movie

Finally, what are our final thoughts on the movie A Ghost Waits? Wed have to say that it was an absolute delight. The characters were charming, the story was engaging, and the atmosphere was downright spooky. What more could you want from a ghost story? It had everything youd expect and more, and we would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun, entertaining horror film. That being said, its not for the faint of heart. The horror elements are well-executed and could be overwhelming for those who dont typically watch horror movies. All in all, A Ghost Waits is an excellent movie that we would definitely watch again.


I enjoyed A Ghost Waits because it was a unique and creative take on ghosts

I recommend A Ghost Waits for readers who enjoy horror stories that rely more on psychological suspense than jump scares

I like A Ghost Waits movie because it is a unique take on the horror genre

A Ghost Waits is unique due to its presentation of a ghost story as a romantic comedy

A Ghost Waits is fantastic movie for the reason that it is a unique take on the ghost story

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