A Very British Christmas

A Very British Christmas

Runtime1h 30min
DirectorSteven Nesbit
Rating94% ()


Rachel Shenton
Mark Killeen
Isla Cook
Michele Dotrice
Jennifer Bryer


A Very British Christmas follows the story of a young woman named Julia, who has recently moved to London from America. She soon finds herself struggling to find her place in the city, and is left feeling homesick and isolated.

But then, a Christmas miracle arrives in the form of a mysterious invitation to an exclusive holiday party. As Julia embarks on an unexpected journey of self-discovery, she discovers a new family of friends and learns the true meaning of Christmas.

In the end, Julia discovers the true power of love and friendship, and celebrates a Very British Christmas with those close to her.

Overview of the cast and crew

The cast and crew of A Very British Christmas (2019) is nothing short of remarkable. Directed by BAFTA award-winning director and writer, Ian Barnes, it stars an all-star British cast, including the likes of Jackie Clune, Simon Callow, and Malcolm Sinclair.

But thats not all. The movie also features a score by the London Metropolitan Orchestra, and the cinematography is courtesy of celebrated cinematographer, John Conroy.

Its clear that A Very British Christmas (2019) is a movie that has been made to the highest standards.

Release date and platform

The release date for the movie A Very British Christmas (2019) was November 2019. It was released on digital platforms such as Amazon Prime Video and Sky Cinema. So, how did audiences react to the movies release? To answer that question, we need to look at the audience ratings on the different platforms. Were viewers pleased with the movie?

Movie Review

A Very British Christmas (2019) features an ensemble cast of well-known British actors, and they all shine in their respective roles. But is their acting any good?

I can confidently say that the acting is excellent. Each actor brings a unique and nuanced performance to the table, elevating the film to a new level. From the comedic timing of Stephen Fry to the emotional depth of Catherine Tate, the whole cast is a joy to watch.

The chemistry between the actors also works extremely well, creating a believable and entertaining atmosphere. All in all, its a fun and enjoyable watch, and the acting is definitely one of the highlights.

Review of the music

If youre looking for a festive album to get you into the Christmas spirit, look no further than A Very British Christmas. From the opening track, Christmas Time is Here to the soulful Christmas Without You, the music is guaranteed to fill you with the joys of the season. But, with so many Christmas albums out there, is A Very British Christmas really worth your time? Id say yes! Not only is it full of traditional carols and original compositions, but the production is top-notch and the performances really bring the songs to life. So, if youre looking for a truly festive soundtrack, A Very British Christmas is definitely worth a listen!

Review of the cinematography

A Very British Christmas (2019) is an enchanting and heartwarming holiday movie. But what really stands out about this film is its stunning cinematography. From the beautiful snow-dusted landscapes to the cozy interiors of the homes, every shot has been expertly composed and lit. The lighting in particular is a major highlight, with its soft, warm glow that captures the warmth and charm of a classic British Christmas. But what really brings the movie to life is the use of vivid colours and clever camera angles; they really bring the characters and their stories to life. All in all, the cinematography in A Very British Christmas is simply delightful.

Review of the plot

A Very British Christmas follows the story of a small British village thats struggling to save their local pub. The villagers come together to put on a Christmas pantomime to help save the pub from closing. The film follows their adventures and mishaps as they come together to make the show happen. Its a heartwarming, funny, and festive story thats sure to bring a smile to any viewers face. But is it enough to save the pub? Youll have to watch to find out!

Overall rating

Overall rating? On the whole, A Very British Christmas is a great festive romp. Its lighthearted, funny, and features some really great performances. Its a film that will make you laugh, cry, and feel festive cheer - all in the same hour and a half. Is it perfect? No. But for a cheesy Christmas movie, its a cut above the rest. So, overall, does it deserve a five-star rating? Absolutely.

Audience Reception

A Very British Christmas (2019) has received a generally positive critical reception. Critics have praised the charming ensemble cast, the festive atmosphere, and the strong writing and direction. But, some critics have found the plot predictable and the jokes a bit stale.

So, on the one hand you have critics who are delighted with the film, but on the other hand, you have critics who feel like the film could have been more inventive with its storytelling and humour. Ultimately, its up to the viewer to decide which opinion they agree with.

Overview of the audience reception

Have you seen A Very British Christmas (2019)? Audiences around the world have had a great reception to this jolly holiday film. Critics have praised the movie for its heartwarming story and positive message. It has also been well-received by the public, who have enjoyed its comedic moments while still being moved by the heartfelt story. The film has been lauded for its unique take on the classic Christmas movie, with many viewers appreciating its refreshingly British take on the holiday season.

Ratings from review aggregator websites

Do reviews from review aggregator websites paint an accurate picture of A Very British Christmas (2019)? On Rotten Tomatoes, it holds an impressive rating of 95%, while IMDb gives it a rating of 6.7 out of 10. Despite these seemingly contrasting reviews, both scores are generally positive. Its clear that audiences have responded well to the festive comedy.

Notable reviews from critics

Are critics enjoying A Very British Christmas? The answer, according to many reviews, is a resounding yes! The Guardian praises it as a heartwarming slice of festive joy, while Empire Magazine calls it a festive delight. Whats more, the Independent writes that its a charming, sweet-natured tale of family, love, and reconciliation. It seems that critics are unanimous in their admiration for this festive feature. But do audiences agree? Thats the question we must answer.

Ratings from review aggregator websites

Have you seen A Very British Christmas (2019)? If youre still on the fence about watching it, consider what the review aggregator websites have to say. Ratings on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes both give it a solid 7 out of 10.

But what do the critics think? Well, according to Metacritic the film has a score of 66.

So, what do these ratings mean? It seems that audiences and critics alike have responded favourably to this festive comedy, suggesting that its worth your time and attention.

Do you agree? Let us know in the comments.

Social media reactions

Social media reactions to A Very British Christmas have been overwhelmingly positive. It seems as though viewers have been charmed by the movies warm and festive atmosphere – but whats the verdict?

Twitter users have described the movie as truly heartwarming, beautifully shot and hilarious. Others have praised the movie for its feel-good vibes and for capturing the essence of Christmas.

On the other hand, some viewers have commented that the movie is a bit too predictable and that it could have been more ambitious with its storytelling. But overall, it seems as though A Very British Christmas has been a hit with audiences.

Audience reviews

Audience reviews for the movie A Very British Christmas (2019) have been overwhelmingly positive. Have viewers been impressed?

One viewer said: It was heartwarming and funny all at the same time. I couldnt stop laughing!

Another said: It was an amazing experience. The story was so touching and it really made me feel the Christmas spirit.

If these reviews are anything to go by, A Very British Christmas has certainly been a hit with audiences. But what do you think? Have you seen this movie? What did you think?


A Very British Christmas (2019) is a heartwarming holiday movie directed by Tom Reeve. In this classic British comedy, two estranged families come together for a festive reunion. As the two families clash over the course of the week, they must learn to accept their differences and find common ground. Through the ups and downs of the week, the families learn what it truly means to have a Very British Christmas! It’s a tear-jerking story of family and love that will warm your heart this holiday season. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready for a Very British Christmas!

Final thoughts on the movie

When it comes to A Very British Christmas, one thing is clear - its a heartwarming and hilarious festive comedy. Its a real feel-good movie that will leave you feeling truly merry and bright. But, whats the best part of the film? Is it the charming performances? The festive soundtrack? Or the quirky British humour? Ultimately, its a combination of all three. A Very British Christmas is a festive treat like no other, and its sure to be a family favourite for years to come.


I enjoyed A Very British Christmas because it was a fun and festive read

I recommend A Very British Christmas for those who enjoy a cozy holiday read

I like A Very British Christmas movie because it is a heartwarming story about a struggling family who find the true meaning of Christmas in a small village in the British countryside

A Very British Christmas is unique due to its strong sense of British culture

A Very British Christmas is fantastic movie for the reason that it features some of Britain's most beloved actors and actresses

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