Across the Tracks

Across the Tracks

Runtime1h 40min
DirectorSandy Tung
Rating94% 5.7 (2k)


Ricky Schroder
Brad Pitt
Carrie Snodgress
David Anthony Marshall
Thomas Mikal Ford

Joe - A star track athlete with college aspirations

Joe is a star track athlete with college aspirations. But what does this really mean for him? What drives him to succeed? Joe himself would tell you that its his passion for running and his determination to succeed that drives him forward. But theres more to it than that. Joe also has a strong sense of family, a desire to make something of himself and to provide for his family. Its this combination of ambition and drive that makes Joe a star on the track, and an inspiration to all of those who have college aspirations of their own.

Tom - A high school dropout who has become involved in the criminal underworld

Tom is a classic example of a high school dropout who has become deeply involved in the criminal underworld. But why did Tom drop out of high school? And, more importantly, why did he turn to crime? Is it the lure of money or is something darker driving him down this path? These are just some of the questions raised in the movie Across the Tracks, which follows Tom as he navigates the criminal underworld. The movie provides an insight into the life of a high school dropout and the struggles they face on a daily basis.

Coach - Joes track coach who forces him to choose between his college dreams and his brother

Coach was Joes track coach and an important figure in Joes life. He faced a difficult decision when Coach forced him to choose between his college dreams and his brother. But why did Coach do this? Was it because he wanted Joe to fulfill his potential, or was it because he wanted Joe to stay on the team? Perhaps Coach saw Joes potential and wanted him to reach it, but at what cost? Was it worth sacrificing his brother and college dreams?

Joes Parents - Joes father is a supportive and loving father, while his mother is more distant and disapproving of Toms criminal lifestyle

Joes parents provide a stark contrast; his father is a supportive and loving figure, willing to welcome Tom into the family despite his criminal past. On the other hand, Joes mother is distant and disapproving, making it clear that she does not approve of his lifestyle.

But despite the differences between them, Joes parents still manage to come together and put their differences aside for the sake of their son. Though Joes mother may not agree with Toms lifestyle, she still loves her son, and that love is what ultimately brings them together.

Toms Gang - Toms group of criminal friends who help him commit various crimes

So, Toms gang—what do we know about them? Well, they certainly arent the most upstanding citizens. Toms group of criminal friends helps him commit various crimes throughout the movie, from breaking and entering to stealing car radios. But despite their criminal behavior, its clear that theyre loyal to Tom, and have a genuine bond with him. Its almost like theyre family. What does this mean for Toms future? Will his gang be able to help him come out of the other side of his troubles, or will it lead him down a darker path?

Family - The bond between the two brothers is a key part of the film. Joe must come to terms with his mothers disapproval of Tom, while Tom must come to terms with his brothers success.

Family is a key part of Across the Tracks (1991). Joe and Tom, the two brothers, must come to terms with each other despite their differences. Joe must accept his mothers disapproval of Tom, while Tom must face his brothers success. How can they learn to reconcile their differences and accept each other?

Its clear that there is a strong bond between the two brothers, and that is one of the main themes of the film. But can they find a way to move past their disagreements and honour the bond they share? They must try to find a way to put aside their differences and strengthen their bond as brothers.

Friendship - Toms friendship with his criminal friends is a crucial plot point. The film examines how these friendships can both help and hurt Toms journey to reconcile with his brother.

Friendship is a recurring theme in Across the Tracks. Toms relationship with his criminal friends is a crucial plot point. Its a complex one too - the film examines how these friendships can both help and hurt Toms journey to reconcile with his brother. On the one hand, his friends provide him with a sense of security and camaraderie. On the other, their involvement in criminal activities puts him in dangerous situations. Ultimately, Tom must decide whether to stay loyal to his friends, or to break away from them in order to pursue a better life. Its an important lesson - sometimes, friendship can be both a blessing and a curse.

Identity - Joe must confront his identity as a black athlete in a predominantly white sport, while Tom must confront his identity as a criminal.

Joe and Tom, the protagonists of Across the Tracks, must confront their respective identities in a predominantly white environment. Joe, a black athlete, must grapple with the expectations imposed on him by society due to his race. Tom, on the other hand, must confront his criminal identity, and come to terms with the fact that his past actions have consequences. What makes their stories even more compelling is that they must overcome these obstacles in order to succeed. How will they navigate the expectations placed on them and come out on top?


I enjoyed Across the Tracks because I found it to be a captivating story about two brothers who come from very different backgrounds and have to learn to bridge the gap between them

I recommend Across the Tracks for anyone who wants an exciting and adventurous story

I like Across the Tracks movie because it is a unique and powerful coming-of-age story

Across the Tracks is unique due to its story

Across the Tracks is fantastic movie for the reason that it is a coming of age story that follows two young boys from different backgrounds

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