Baghdad Texas

Baghdad Texas

Runtime1h 30min
Rating94% ()


Baghdad Texas is an offbeat drama about a young man living in a small Texas town who is torn between two cultures. On the one hand, he is an Iraqi immigrant, struggling to fit into a community that is unfamiliar to him. On the other, he is an American teenager, trying to make sense of his own identity.

The movie follows him as he navigates between these two worlds, confronting the challenges of being an outsider in a small town and learning to reconcile his Iraqi heritage with his new home. As he struggles to find his place, he is faced with difficult choices that will define his future.

Ultimately, Baghdad Texas is a story of acceptance and understanding, showing us the power of empathy and the strength of standing up for what you believe in.

Release date and other production details

When was Baghdad Texas (2009) released? Its a good question and one that many fans of the movie have asked.

Well, Baghdad Texas (2009) was released in the United States on October 18th, 2009, with a worldwide release following shortly after. It was directed by David Pope and produced by Chaz Moore with a budget of just over $2 million. The movie was shot on location in Texas and Louisiana and features some of the biggest names in independent film.

So, there you have it. Baghdad Texas (2009) was released in October 2009 and featured some of the biggest names in independent film. Quite the impressive production, wouldnt you agree?


Baghdad Texas (2009) tells the story of two estranged brothers, James and John, who are forced to reconcile when John is released from prison. They must overcome their differences and work together to save their familys ranch from the Texas oil boom that threatens to take it away. The story follows their journey as they learn to trust each other and fight for whats right. What will happen when their paths cross with the local oil baron? Will they be able to save their home? Or will the Texas oil boom prove too powerful to overcome?

Main characters and their relationships

The main characters of Baghdad Texas (2009) are a colorful cast of characters, each with their own unique relationship to one another. Take, for example, the films protagonist, Mark. Mark is a former soldier who is struggling to come to terms with his past. His relationship with his brother, a fellow soldier, is complex and often strained. Then theres Marks friend, J.J., who is a local bar owner and serves as a voice of reason for Mark. Finally, theres the mysterious figure of Carlos, who is the leader of a drug cartel. His relationship with Mark is complicated and ever changing, as they both struggle to come to terms with their respective roles in the conflict.

Key plot points

Have you ever heard of the movie Baghdad Texas (2009)? It’s a great film that follows two Iraqi brothers who end up in a small Texas town. What happens next? Well, let me tell you the key plot points.

The brothers, Ali and Hassan, must learn to adapt to their new life in the small town. Ali quickly finds himself in trouble with the law, while Hassan is welcomed by the locals. As tensions between the brothers mount, secrets from their past are revealed, and a struggle for power ensues.

The brothers must then choose between two paths: staying in Baghdad, Texas and embracing their new home, or leaving it all behind and returning to their native Iraq. It’s an intense journey that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.


What can we say about the positive aspects of Baghdad Texas? Well, for one, this movie is a great example of how two cultures can collide in a meaningful way. Its a story about acceptance and understanding, about learning to find common ground.

The movie also makes great use of its setting, a small Texas town thats been turned upside down by the presence of Iraqi refugees. Its a unique setting for a unique story, and the filmmakers make great use of it.

And, of course, theres the acting. The cast of Baghdad Texas is amazing, and they bring the story to life in a truly remarkable way. All of the characters are believable and sympathetic, and the story is all the more powerful for it.

Negative aspects of the movie

In Baghdad Texas (2009), the films negative aspects are undeniable. Have we gone too far in depicting a war-torn society? Does the violence and destruction that we bear witness to in the movie go too far? Is the films portrayal of the military too one-sided? These are questions that are certainly worth considering.

At what point does the films content become too much? Are there scenes that could have been trimmed or removed completely? Does the movie have any redeeming qualities that can offset the negative elements of the movie? These are all questions that viewers should consider before watching the movie.

Overall opinion

Overall, I think Baghdad Texas (2009) is a powerful and thoughtful movie. It takes a hard look at the effects of the Iraq War on both ordinary people and soldiers, and the way it portrays these issues is both poignant and honest. Its a movie that will stay with you long after its over, and one that raises some important questions about the cost of war. Whats more, the performances are excellent. All in all, its a movie thats hard to forget.


Baghdad Texas (2009) received mixed reviews from critics upon its release. Some praised the film for its unique blend of comedy and drama, while others criticized its reliance on stereotypes.

But the most common criticism of the movie was its lack of realism. Many felt that the story was overly sentimental and too idealistic.

Ultimately, Baghdad Texas (2009) was a divisive movie. While some viewers enjoyed its humor and message, others felt that it was too lighthearted and didnt really tackle the complexities of the Iraq War. What do you think? Is Baghdad Texas (2009) worth watching?

Cultural impact

Cultural impact is an interesting aspect to consider when discussing the movie Baghdad Texas (2009). One might ask: what kind of impact has this movie had on various cultures? Has the movie sparked discussion around cultural differences and the concept of identity? Is it possible that this film has helped to bridge cultural divides? Have there been any changes in the way people think about the Middle East as a result of this movie? What kind of conversations have this movie inspired? These are all questions worth considering when looking at the cultural impact of Baghdad Texas (2009).

Legacy of the movie

The legacy of the movie Baghdad Texas (2009) is an important one. It is a story that forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the war in Iraq, and how the experiences of those who served, and those who were left behind, can never be forgotten. It is a reminder that in war, there are no winners, only survivors. It challenges us to ask: How do we bring closure to those who have been affected by war? How can we move forward in a way that honours those who have given so much? How can we create a better future for those who have sacrificed so much to fight for our freedom? These are questions that, unfortunately, remain unanswered.


Baghdad Texas is a 2009 award-winning drama film directed by George Gittoes. It follows the story of a small Texas town trying to survive in the midst of a war-torn Middle East. The residents of Baghdad are divided between those who want to fight for their freedom and those who want to remain loyal to the United States. But when their daughter is taken hostage, the family must unite to protect her. Can the citizens of Baghdad find a way to survive the chaos and reclaim their town? That is the question at the heart of this powerful and poignant movie.

Final thoughts on the movie

When it comes to Baghdad Texas (2009), its hard to know what to make of it. On the one hand, the movie offers an interesting take on the Iraq war and its effects on the American psyche. On the other hand, the movie is a bit slow and doesnt really deliver on its promise of an intense, thought-provoking drama. Ultimately, its up to each viewer to decide whether or not they find the movie worth their time. But one thing is certain: Baghdad Texas is an ambitious attempt to tackle a difficult subject, and its worth watching for that alone.


I enjoyed Baghdad Texas because it was a fun and exciting movie

I recommend Baghdad Texas for anyone looking for a unique movie experience

I like Baghdad Texas movie because it tells the story of a young Iraqi-American who is forced to confront his cultural roots and identity after his family is uprooted in the wake of

Baghdad Texas is unique due to its location and history

Baghdad Texas is fantastic movie for the reason that it tells the story of a small town in Texas that is struggling to cope with the influx of Iraqi refugees

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